Every donation, no matter the size, has a significant impact on the lives of the individuals we serve. Here’s how you can contribute
Harvey Mudd College (BBA) College of business, London
Choose to support us monthly, ensuring a consistent contribution to our mission.
Make a donation in honor or memory of someone special, and we’ll acknowledge your gift with a personalized message.
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Direct your donation to a specific program within Code Her Rising. Whether it’s our mentorship program, technical skills training, or community events, you can choose where your contribution makes the most impact.
Partner with Code Her Rising as a corporate sponsor and help us create a lasting impact in the tech community. Your company can make a significant difference by funding specific programs, scholarships, or events that align with your corporate social responsibility goals.
Support Code Her Rising with in-kind donations of technology, software, or other resources that can be used in our educational programs. These contributions help us provide participants with the tools they need to succeed in their tech careers.
Make a donation in honor or memory of someone special. Your gift will be acknowledged with a personalized message to the honoree or their family, celebrating their contribution to the cause.
Empowering women is not just a journey; it’s a collective rising, a symphony of strength, resilience, and shared triumphs.